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The following methods are available for measurement
NOx Analyzer

Using a fraction collector (4ch compatible)

・感度は 0.1 pmol の硝酸イオンおよび亜硝酸イオン
測定方法 ジアゾ化反応吸光度測定方法
測定下限 10M×10μℓ(0.1pmol )
保護機能 移動相、反応液空運転防止
恒温機能 35℃ 一定
マイクロダイアリシス透析液、培養液、組織ホモジナイ ト上清液、

110mM 亜硝酸イオンおよび73μM 硝酸イオンが
10μl の前処理後のサンプルから検出
エイコム酸化窒素分析システム ENO-30型は、試料中の亜硝酸窒素(NO )、硝酸窒素(NO )をカラムで分離した後
NO が酸性溶液中で芳香族第一アミンと反応して生じるジアゾ化合物に、芳香族アミン類を加えてカップリングして生
じるジアゾ化合物の赤色の吸光度を測定します。NO は流路系に設置された還元カラムにより NO に還元されます。
application note
Applications note2022
・Effect of fat reformulated dairy food consumption on postprandial flow-mediated dilatation and cardiometabolic risk biomarkers compared with conventional dairy:
a randomized, controlled trial
・Influence of antidepressants on plasma levels of nitric oxide metabolites in patients with major depressive disorder
・Resuscitative efficacy of hemoglobin vesicles for severe postpartum hemorrhage in pregnant rabbits
・Spontaneous pulmonary emphysema in mice lacking all three nitric oxide synthase isoforms
・Balance of Drug Residence and Diffusion in Lacrimal Fluid Determine Ocular Bioavailability in In Situ Gels Incorporating Tranilast Nanoparticles
・Plasma Nitrate Levels Are Related to Metabolic Syndrome and Are Not Altered by Treatment with DPP-4 Inhibitor Linagliptin: A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled Trial in
Patients with Early Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
・Supplemental nitrite increases choroidal neovascularization in mice
・Effects of inorganic nitrate on ischaemia-reperfusion injury after coronary artery bypass surgery
・The effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash vs propolis mouthwash on the nitrate-reducing activity of oral bacteria and vascular control in healthy individuals
・Red Blood Cell and Endothelial eNOS Independently Regulate Circulating Nitric Oxide Metabolites and Blood Pressure
・Direct comparison of inorganic nitrite and nitrate on vascular dysfunction and oxidative damage in experimental arterial hypertension
・Preventive effects of nitrate-rich beetroot juice supplementation on monocrotaline- induced pulmonary hypertension in rats
・Endogenous generation of nitro-fatty acid hybrids having dual nitrate ester (RONO2) and nitroalkene (RNO2) substituents
・Divergent trajectories of cellular bioenergetics, intermediary metabolism and systemic redox status in survivors and non-survivors of critical illness
・Oral administration of l-citrulline alters the vascular delivery of substances to rat skeletal muscles
・Temporal relationship between systemic endothelial dysfunction and alterations in erythrocyte function in a murine model of chronic heart failure
・Balance of Drug Residence and Diffusion in Lacrimal Fluid Determine Ocular Bioavailability in In Situ Gels Incorporating Tranilast Nanoparticles
・Plasma Nitrate Levels Are Related to Metabolic Syndrome and Are Not Altered by Treatment with DPP-4 Inhibitor Linagliptin: A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled Trial in
Patients with Early Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
・Supplemental nitrite increases choroidal neovascularization in mice
・Effects of inorganic nitrate on ischaemia-reperfusion injury after coronary artery bypass surgery
・The effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash vs propolis mouthwash on the nitrate-reducing activity of oral bacteria and vascular control in healthy individuals
・Red Blood Cell and Endothelial eNOS Independently Regulate Circulating Nitric Oxide Metabolites and Blood Pressure
・Direct comparison of inorganic nitrite and nitrate on vascular dysfunction and oxidative damage in experimental arterial hypertension
・Preventive effects of nitrate-rich beetroot juice supplementation on monocrotaline- induced pulmonary hypertension in rats
・Endogenous generation of nitro-fatty acid hybrids having dual nitrate ester (RONO2) and nitroalkene (RNO2) substituents
・Divergent trajectories of cellular bioenergetics, intermediary metabolism and systemic redox status in survivors and non-survivors of critical illness
・Oral administration of l-citrulline alters the vascular delivery of substances to rat skeletal muscles
・Temporal relationship between systemic endothelial dysfunction and alterations in erythrocyte function in a murine model of chronic heart failure
・Endothelial Cell Cystathionine γ-Lyase Expression Level Modulates Exercise Capacity, Vascular Function, and Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
・Plant polyphenols Morin and Quercetin rescue nitric oxide production in diabetic mouse aorta through distinct pathways
・A randomized controlled trial of nitrate supplementation in well-trained middle and older-aged adults
・Muscle fiber type differences in nitrate and nitrite storage and nitric oxide signaling in rats
・Dose-response effect of dietary nitrate on muscle contractility and blood pressure in older subjects
・Endothelial Cell Cystathionine γ-Lyase Expression Level Modulates Exercise Capacity, Vascular Function, and Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
・Plant polyphenols Morin and Quercetin rescue nitric oxide production in diabetic mouse aorta through distinct pathways
・A randomized controlled trial of nitrate supplementation in well-trained middle and older- aged adults
・Muscle fiber type differences in nitrate and nitrite storage and nitric oxide signaling in rats
・Dose-response effect of dietary nitrate on muscle contractility and blood pressure in older subjects
・Anaemia is associated with severe RBC dysfunction and a reduced circulating NO pool: vascular and cardiac eNOS are crucial for the adaptation to anaemia
・Unexpected effects of long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid on late phase of pulmonary metastasis in murine model of orthotopic breast cancer
・Reformulation initiative for partial replacement of saturated with unsaturated fats in dairy foods attenuates the increase in LDL cholesterol and improves flow-mediated
dilatation compared with conventional dairy: the randomized, controlled REplacement of SaturatEd fat in dairy on Total cholesterol (RESET) study
・Loss of circadian gene Bmal1 in the collecting duct lowers blood pressure in male, but not female, mice
・The Role of Dietary Nitrate in Regulation of Blood Pressure and Metabolism
・Acute beetroot juice supplementation improves exercise tolerance and cycling efficiency in adults with obesity
・Unexpected effects of long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid on late phase of pulmonary metastasis in murine model of orthotopic breast cancer
・Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure and improves endothelial function in pregnant eNOS-/-mice:importance of nitrate-independent effects
・Reformulation initiative for partial replacement of saturated with unsaturated fats in dairy foods attenuates the increase in LDL cholesterol and improves flow-mediated
dilatation compared with conventional dairy: the randomized, controlled REplacement of SaturatEd fat in dairy on Total cholesterol (RESET) study
・Unexpected effects of long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid on late phase of pulmonary metastasis in murine model of orthotopic breast cancer
・Anaemia is associated with severe RBC dysfunction and a reduced circulating NO pool: vascular and cardiac eNOS are crucial for the adaptation to anaemia
Effect of Yokukansan on Nitric Oxide Production and Hydroxyl Radical Metabolism During Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion in Mice
Grape Extract from Chardonnay Seeds Restores Deoxycorticosterone Acetate–Salt-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction and Hypertension in Rats
Endothelial GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) Receptor Mediates Cardiovascular Protection by Liraglutide In Mice With Experimental Arterial Hypertension
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