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アンカー 1


・分子量カットオフ値50,000 (Da).
・CX-I-X-Y. "X"は、ガイドカニューラ長、"Y" は膜の長さをmm単位で示します。
・ガイドカニューラ長は”X"は2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 mmから選択してください。
・膜長は0.5~10.00 mm 0.5 mm刻みで選択してください。
・膜外径 0.22 mm
・シャフト外径 0.37 mm(ボディーと膜をつなぐステンレスパイプ).
・インレットとアウトレットのステンレスパイプ外径 0.63 mm
・本体プラスチック部は 高さ6 mm、幅 5 mm、厚み1.5 mm.
マイクロダイアリシス ガイドカニューラ CXG-X (3 個パック)
・型式 CXG-X外径0.5 mm
・カップ部2.5 mm x 8.0 mm.
マイクロダイアリシス ダミープローブ CXD-X (3 個パック)
ステレオ用ガイド CXSG-X
プローブホルダー ATH-03
CXタイプ アクセサリー
(ガイドカニューラ ダミープローブ アダプター)

brain microdialysis
Collecting is common. The fraction collector moves the tube to the next vial at regular intervals.
The efficacy of duloxetine depends on spinal cholinergic plasticity in neuropathic pain model rats
Characterization and Relative Efficacy of Muscarinic Receptor Antagonism at the Hypoglossal Motor Nucleus to Block Inhibition of Tongue Motor Activity
Pharmacological Inhibition of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Reduces Vasogenic Edema after Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
Brain-specific heterozygous loss-of-function of ATP2A2, endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump responsible for Darier’s disease, causes behavioral abnormalities
and a hyper-dopaminergic state
Activation of CamKIIα expressing neurons on ventrolateral periaqueductal gray improves behavioral hypersensitivity and thalamic discharge in a trigeminal neuralgia rat model
G-protein Signaling Regulating Opioid-induced
Modulation of TASK-1/3 Channels at the Hypoglossal Motoneuron Pool and Effects on Tongue Motor Output and Responses to Excitatory Inputs In-Vivo: Implications for Strategies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Pharmacotherapy
Radiation Induced Metabolic Alterations Associate with Tumor Aggressiveness and Poor Outcome in Glioblastoma
Angiopathy with impaired glucose logistics observed in schizophrenia-like model mice
Brain Angiopathy and Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Model Mice with Psychiatric-Related Phenotypes
Role of TASK-1/3 Channels at the Hypoglossal Motor Nucleus in Modulating Motor Output
Hypoxic Preconditioning Maintains GLT-1 Against Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia Through Upregulating Cx43 and Inhibiting c-Src
Milnacipran affects mouse impulsive, aggressive, and depressive-like behaviors in a distinct dose-dependent manner
Extracellular N-acetylaspartylglutamate released in the nucleus accumbens modulates the pain sensation:
Analysis using a microdialysis/mass spectrometry integrated system
Sex Differences in Abuse-Related Neurochemical and Behavioral Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Rats
Abuse-Related Neurochemical Effects of Para-Substituted Methcathinone Analogs in Rats: Microdialysis Studies of Nucleus Accumbens Dopamine and Serotonin
Glutamate Input in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus As a Determinant of Escalated Aggression in Male Mice
Pain-Related Depression of the Mesolimbic Dopamine System in Rats: Expression, Blockade by Analgesics, and Role of Endogenous κ-opioids
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